Técnicas de Investigación


Profesor Teoría:

Profesor Prácticas:




Isabel Molina Peralta (10.1.18)

Betsabé Pérez Garrido (10.0.16)

Lunes y Martes 17:00-19:00h

10.2.12 (teoría y problemas)

Lunes y Martes 19-20h


Guía de la asignatura


Cronograma (tentativo)



Temario y transparencias

Hojas de Problemas

Tema 1: Álgebra lineal y matricial

Problemas Tema 1

Tema 2: Medidas estadísticas básicas

Problemas Tema 2

Tema 3: Análisis de Componentes Principales

Problemas Tema 3

Tema 4: Medidas de proximidad

Problemas Tema 4

Tema 5: Escalamiento Multidimensional

Problemas Tema 5

Tema 6: Análisis de Correspondencias Simple

Problemas Tema 6

Tema 7: Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiple

Tema 8: Análisis Cluster





Guía del trabajo


Ficheros de datos

Alumnos que forman los grupos

Resultado sorteo Exposición trabajo

Fecha/Hora exposición



Ejemplos usando SPSS/PASW Statistics:


Intro SPSS

Datos Excel    Datos SPSS


Datos Excel


Datos Excel    Datos Extra


Datos Excel




La escalera de Penrose


The Penrose stairs is an impossible object devised by Lionel Penrose and his son Roger Penrose and can be seen as a variation on his Penrose triangle. It is a two-dimensional depiction of a staircase in which the stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend yet form a continuous loop, so that a person could climb them forever and never get any higher. This is clearly impossible in three dimensions; the two-dimensional figure achieves this paradox by distorting perspective.

The best known example of Penrose stairs appears in the lithograph Ascending and Descending by M. C. Escher, where it is incorporated into a monastery where several monks ascend and descend the endless staircase.

The staircase had also been discovered previously by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd, but neither Penrose nor Escher were aware of his designs.

Source: wikipedia