Second term 2013-14
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Class Slides
Talk 0: Program of Lectures
Talk 1:
Introduction to Sampling Techniques (printable
pdf version)
Tutorial: A Brief Introduction to Basic Programming with
Talk 2: Simple Random Sampling and Systematic Sampling (printable pdf version)
Talk 4: Introduction to Ratio and Regression Estimation (printable pdf version)
Talk 5: Cluster
Sampling (printable
pdf version) (Data for practice in Stata format)
Talk 7: Some Techniques in Data Mining (printable pdf version) (Data for practice in ascii format)
Resources for R and Stata
. RStudio
editor and framework for R
. Contributed manuals and tutorials for R
. Quick R
. Libraries of R for Machine Learning
. Libraries of R for Statistics for the Social Sciences
. Libraries of R for Survey Sampling
Numerical computation and Data Mining (Freeware)
. OCTAVE: Free program with same syntax as MatLab
. SCILAB: Numerical Calculus Program similar to MatLab