About us
Research team formed by professors at the Department of Statistics in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid interested in applying the last techniques in Data Science into the exciting world of Energy. The team is specialized in the development of analytical tools to improve decision-making, especially based on Statistics and Optimization. See the details of our Members.
What we do
We apply the latest analytical and computational tools for decision-making in the Energy world and in the new Big Data era. In particular, we are interested in helping consumers and utilities to make better decisions by analyzing better the increase adoption of electric vehicles, the weather uncertainty for renewable energy sources, consumption data from smart meters, demand and price forecasting, etc.
Our Data Science tools include:- Descriptive analytical tools, forecasting, inference, etc. for smart meter data, consumption profiles, weather patterns, ...
- Last forecasting techniques for renewable energy, consumption prediction, commodity prices, ...
- Machine learning tools (prediction, classification, clustering, ...) to extract consumption profiles, cluster similar consumers, personalized feedback, ...
- Stochastic and robust optimization tools (optimal bidding strategies on futures and spot markets, optimal operation of renewable energy, ...)
- Optimization of systems (trading strategies, risk management, optimal operation of electric vehicles, ...).
What we offer
We provide analytical solutions to challenging problems in the energy industry. In particular, we offer training and consulting services in areas related with Energy Analytics and Data Science. See our Data services and training for details.